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Land acquisition

In addition to the already purchased land, it is scheduled to buy 60 hectares of meadows identified as favourable for the Corncrake in order to create coherent management entities specifically oriented towards the conservation of the species. The land acquisition process will be strengthened through a regulatory protection on some sites.

This theme can thus be divided into six actions:

• A land acquisition study in the Basses Vallées Angevines et Moyenne Vallée de la Charente
• Conservatory management on 25 acres of natural flood meadows in the Basses Vallées Angevines
• Conservatory management on 5 acres of natural flood meadows in the Vallée de la Charente
• Conservatory management on 30 acres of natural flood meadows in the Moyenne vallée de l’Oise
• Partial classification of the Basses Vallées Angevines as a regional nature reserve
• Classification of sites in Picardy